Endless Repair Contract Gw2
2022년 2월 16일
Examples of Grammatical Forms
2022년 2월 17일

European Agreement on Au Pair Placement of 24 November 1969

– 2 Annexes, the first of which specifies the benefits to which the “au pairs” placed are entitled in the event of illness, maternity and accident, and the second concerns the agreed reservations. The European Agreement on the Placement of “Au Pairs” includes: The basis of this paragraph is that the Contracting Parties must organise the control of the agreements by providing a copy of the said written agreement. in paragraph 1, `to the competent authority or organisation chosen by that authority`. Article 9 Services to be provided by the “au pair” – which must in principle be completed before placement (see, however, in this context, the comments on the previous paragraph of this explanatory report). 3 II.2 The Host will provide the Au Pair with the following: a separate room, or an appropriate common room, shared with, 4 as well as free meals. The Au Pair shares meals with the host family and has access to the same meals as all family members, unless otherwise agreed under IV.2. II.3 In addition, the host pays the au pair a monthly pocket money of 260 euros. II.4 The Au Pair`s working hours must be designed in such a way as to be able to participate in a language course and cultural events and excursions, thus improving his/her language skills and general knowledge of the host country. In addition, the host contributes an additional amount of 50 euros per month to the total cost of a language course. II.5 The Au Pair receives free days of 5 and at least 4 free evenings per week.

The Au Pair also has the opportunity to practice their religion. II.6 The host takes out private insurance for the Au Pair in cases of illness, maternity and accident. 6 Insurance costs are the responsibility of the host. Euro per month and will be paid in full by II.7. In the event of illness, the Au Pair remains entitled to full board and accommodation as well as appropriate care until appropriate arrangements can be made. II.8 The Au Pair is entitled to paid vacation days per month. Joining the host family for your own holiday is only considered an Au Pair holiday if only minor difficulties are to be expected and no attendance is required. 4 In accordance with Article 8(1) of the European Agreement on Au Pair Placement, the Au Pair shall be accommodated in a separate room if possible. 5 Under Article 8(3) of the European Agreement on Au Pair Placement, an Au Pair is entitled to one full day`s leave per week. No less than once a month, this day should be a Sunday.

6 The Protocol to the Europe Agreement provides that the insurance company must cover, as far as possible, the costs of medical treatment, medicines and hospital treatment. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the translations provided. In case of doubt, the original contract still applies. 3 5 In defining the educational activities of the `au pair`, the term `improvement` has been used to demonstrate that there can be no question of pursuing a full-time professional activity or training. The fact that the persons concerned have the opportunity to pursue cultural activities and studies excludes the possibility of clandestine work. The final compromise reached between these two trends was the adoption of a clause providing for the conclusion of a written agreement before the start of the traineeship `and at the latest during the first week of the traineeship` (see Article 6(1)(B)). The main advantage of this formula is that it provides for a trial period before the written agreement referred to in Article 6 is concluded. However, in order to allow States which so wish to continue to require the prior conclusion of the written agreement, it has been agreed that a Contracting Party may provide for this Agreement to be concluded before the au pair leaves his or her country of residence (see Annex II (b)).

A model agreement prepared by the Council of Europe is reproduced here (example text (Word format only)). A reservation to Article 12 is accepted (see Annex II, point (d)), taking into account the fact that, in some countries, the list of bodies involved in the placement of au pairs and the procedures for their appointment will inevitably take time. .

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